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The Scylla™- Designed for All-in-one brewing

The Scylla™- Designed for All-in-one brewing

Regular price $186.95 USD
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Enhance Your Homebrewing with The Scylla™ All-in-one Brewing System

The Scylla™ is designed for use in the most popular all-in-one brewing systems with chilling speed and ease of use in mind.
The Scylla™ is manufactured using 75' of 3/8" outside diameter copper separated into three 25' coils which feed chilling water in parallel resulting in chilling speeds as fast as 3.5 minutes for a 5 gallon batch*. Whether you are looking for an upgrade from the chiller that came with your system or are in need of a chiller because your system doesn't have one, the Scylla™ will give you the fastest possible chilling times and will also help cut down your cleaning time.

The solid brass garden hose fittings are threaded onto soldered 1/2" MPT fittings on the chiller with food safe Teflon tape. The soldered connections avoid common leaking issues typically seen with compression fittings.

Product Details:

  • Constructed with 100% food safe materials
  • Super fast chill times (5 gallons from boil to 10F above tap water temperature in 3.5 minutes*)
  • Fast chill of entire batch to 140F (50 seconds)
  • Copper tubing: Three 25' sections of 3/8" outside diameter copper run in parallel
  • Easy cleaning procedure
  • Works in systems with or without a pump
  • All solder connections are lead free and potable water safe
  • Standard 3/4" solid brass male and female garden hose fittings for chilling water input and output
  • Coil specs: 8.5” coil height, 9.5" top coil diameter, 9" bottom coil diameter
  • Fits the following systems: The Grainfather (standard and connect), Mash and Boil, Robobrew, Anvil Foundry, Brewzilla
  • Made in the USA

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.

Email us for pricing if you need this chiller customized.
Happy Brewing!

*when using a garden hose spigot as the water source and following our recommendations for using an immersion chiller here


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